Name: Void
Loops on earth: 20 loops
Special day: November 13th
Species: Creature
Gender: ??? or "nonbinary"
Pronouns: they/he/any neos
Sexuality: Lesbian
Height: 5'4
Color: Blue
Favorite food: Crab
Favorite sweet: Red velvet anything
Known to say silly or :3 in every other sentence, might make others figure out their autistic

"hello friends im the little silly guy to your right who might appear human but probably and most likely isnt !! im in charge of this little corner which was only made for fun and took forever .. im a major in computer science who draws and animates.. !!! i also have too many interest to mention here so i made an entire other website for it , click da shelf
bewarned, im a very awkward person .. VERY awkward , responding to dms or anything along the sorts is rare from me please understand i dont mean it with bad intentions im just bad at conversing
im apart of a system (never talked about but i can put it here if i want to), a therian and a furry LOL im considered cringe in most areas" is what the creature said when asked...they continued to ramble we started getting confused on what he was saying.
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u gotta play something first sillyy
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DUKEEE my cat :3
BRUISERR my dog :D
Fav characters as of rn :3